Melvin Diggs
is a native of St. Louis, MO, and made his professional debut with local favorite Circus Flora at the age of 16, after performing with St. Louis Arches in his youth. Melvin now considers himself a citizen of the world because of all his travels as a performer. As for which hometown he claims, Melvin says it depends upon where his suitcase is unpacked. Melvin brings a wide range of high-level circus skills to this production, including Chinese hoops, hand-to-hand, Icarian games, Chinese pole, teeterboard, banquine, juggling, and more. In addition to performing in Circus Flora, Cirque Du Soleil’s Luzia, and Midnight Circus, Melvin has remained a part of The 7 Fingers ensemble, performing in many of their award-winning productions including Cuisine & Confessions and Vice & Vertu.