Club Fugazi is located 678 Green Street, San Francisco, CA 94133 between Columbus Ave. and Powell St. in San Francisco’s North Beach neighborhood.

Plan your trip to Club Fugazi on public transit by visiting 511.org
Use the Muni trip planner to plan your trip to Club Fugazi using SF Muni train, bus, streetcar, and or cable car services. Plan your trip on Muni.
Use BART to travel to San Francisco from the greater Bay Area. Plan your trip on BART.
As San Francisco starts returning to work, activities, and travel, bicycling is the perfect way to move about the City. These three maps are developed and maintained by the SFMTA and display information on San Francisco's bike lanes, routes, and paths.
See Routes

Preferred Parking for Club Fugazi is available nearby at North Beach parking at 1636 Powell Street garage, or at the 1625 Powell Street Garage.
In addition, there are many options for self-park garages within walking distance of Club Fugazi. Parking is very limited.